Why IVF in Turkey

Why IVF in Turkey? This is the first question you set when you visit our website. And therefore we want to give this question the attention it deserves. Namely we understand very well that you could not just pick up your bags away to undergo IVF treatment. Especially when you can go to the hospital in the city, right?

And yet you can read stories from our experience that the couples who came before you, IVF in Turkey found a better choice than IVF in the Netherlands. We have our IVF couples asked why IVF in Turkey is their first choice. These reasons we have for you here put in a nutshell:

  • No waiting list
  • New IVF techniques
  • More attention during treatment
  • Improved pain relief during punctur
  • Placing Multiple embryos
  • Holiday feeling
  • We would like to explain these six benefits of Human First further increased:

1 No waiting list

You can all go in a few weeks for your fertility treatment. We have no waiting lists. Not for IVF and ICSI, but not for PGD, IMSI, MESA, PESA and TESE.

2 New IVF techniques

Assisted Hatching is an addition to the standard IVF or ICSI treatment to promote the implantation of the embryo in the uterine wall. IMSI is a major advancement in the sperm selection. Especially couples where the man has a lower sperm value, benefit from this method. Turkey is used without additional cost Assisted Hatching. In the Netherlands, both techniques are not possible at all, and in countries like Germany, a waiting list and a surcharge for IMSI of up to 900 euros (depending on the number of eggs). The extra cost of IMSI in Turkey is 200 Euros. Also micro-TESE is not applied in the Netherlands. In the Netherlands is still working with the "standard" Tese method. You can read about it on this website.

3 Personal attention

We take a lot of time for our set. Although many contact by phone expires, many people feel very at ease and often tell their whole story IVF. And that helps us to paint a good picture of more than just the medical side of the story. Access to the medical records of patients is important, but we pay as much attention to the guidance of our set. We are planning in consultation and help with applications for the insurer. You can read more about the experiences of other IVF couples with Human First in experience stories. You can also read more about our personal approach in our introduction "About Human First".

4 Improved pain relief during puncture

Our conversations with IVF patients shows that a large group of a difference between experiencing the pain in the Netherlands and Turkey, during the puncture. Several patients have shown that the puncture was pretty painful conducted in the Netherlands. One of our patients (listen to the interview on Radio 1), the puncture literally out in the Netherlands as barbaric. Another patiente has tears left after the puncture in Turkey of relief: she was so afraid of the puncture that they really wanted a whole narcosis, but on the advice of the physician in Turkey still undergoing the puncture without anesthesia, and what Apparently, they felt no pain at all. The declaration of a less painful or painless puncture lies in the use of better pain relief in Turkey. In addition, the expertise of the specialist also has its consequences: in Turkey, our patients under treatment at the head physician of the IVF clinic. 

5 Placing Multiple embryos

This point is often controversial in the Netherlands and in the media also like cited by Dutch gyaecologen as the great danger from treatment in Turkey. However, this discussion deserves more depth. In the Netherlands, the tendency to replace only one embryo per attempt. This obviously reduces the chance of success, so set to undergo multiple IVF attempts to become pregnant. Currently reimbursed the health insurance (still) three attempts, but this is not always sufficient to achieve a pregnancy. When you get put back only one embryo at every attempt, the success rate remains relatively small. When, during the first attempt two embryos are put back in the woman, the probability that there is one embryo remains are twice as large. Eventually you at Human First always the last word: if you want only one embryo replace, that's obviously not a problem. However, we notice ourselves that many couples can appreciate that it is possible to replace three embryos. But this has only once led to a twin pregnancy and in all other cases of pregnancy it was a singleton pregnancy. FYI a quote from the website of www.ivf.nl hospital Voorburg, which supports our view that the replacement of 2 or 3 embryos is useful in women who have had multiple unsuccessful attempts or are over 35 years:

"The more embryos are transferred, the greater the chance of pregnancy. But replacing more embryos also increases the risk of multiple births. On average, the risk of multiple births in IVF 20- 25%. Embryos can vary in quality. It all depends . along with the appearance of the embryo and the proliferation rate better the embryo, the greater the chance of implantation There is no greater chance of having a child with birth defect in implantation of inferior embryos:. it is an "all or nothing" effect, the quality determines only the chance of implantation at the first IVF attempt be replaced in principle two embryos during subsequent attempts may be considered three embryos put back especially if the quality of the embryos is not optimal repositioning of two embryos... means -. Depending on the age-20- 30% chance of pregnancy and in cases of pregnancy 25% chance of a multiple birth (twins) placing three embryos means 30 to 40% chance of pregnancy and in cases of pregnancy 50% chance multiple births (twins [40%] or triplets [10%]). For women aged 37 years and older, except the chance of success is also the risk of multiple pregnancy is much smaller so that previously considered by them to replace three embryos. At the time of the re-insertion of the treatment team will give you information about the quality of the embryos and advice on the number of embryos. "

6 Holiday feeling

When we speak our IVF patients return to the Netherlands over the course of their IVF treatment in Turkey, is often called the holiday feeling. Some patients have even followed treatments in Belgium (because of the possibility of Assisted Hatching) and indicated that the commute to Belgium was very tiring. Depending on where you live in the Netherlands, the journey up quite naturally and then this option is often just because of the travel time already off. Of course, the step to travel two weeks to Istanbul for IVF treatment also not be easy. But it does mean that you do not have two weeks of your work, your family and other obligations, in addition to IVF treatment. And IVF treatment can also mean that the period entails emotional tensions. The IVF patients is hard to explain again and again at work and in the environment where they are intended for free afternoons. By IVF to go to Turkey, you take the decision to leave negative distractions around you and behind you with your partner you undergo IVF treatment in an atmosphere of relaxation.